AS Logistics About: We are an Afghan shipping and logistics company providing complete logistics services to / from Afghanistan, Pakistan and CIS countries. For more information on our company, kindly please check our website (www.asl-af.com).
Services:Logistics, Trucking, Transport, Freight Forwarding, Project cargo, Machinery City list: Kabul
Arash Mehr International Transport Co Services:Freight Forwarders
Ariana Intl Logistics & Trading Co Services:Freight Forwarders
Au-Logistics About: AUL offers all Logistics/Transportation/House Hold & Personel effects / Commercial & non-Commercial Facilities to/From Afghanistan Via Bandar Abass ,Karachi & Kabul Airport Services:Logistics/Transportation/Personel Effects City list: Herat/Mazar/Kabul/kundoz/Jalalabad
Challenger Logistics and Trading Company About: Logistics and Services Provider based in Afghanistan. Challenger has built an excellent track record based on reliability and quality since 2007. As an privately owned and registered Afghani company, we have a thorough understanding of environment that we operate in across Afghanistan. Services:transportation, supplies City list: Kabul
FIZA Logistics (PVT) Ltd Services:Freight Forwarders
Haji Wardak International Company Services:Freight Forwarders
Kabul Japan Forwarding Company Services:Freight Forwarders
LOGISTAN About: Logistan is an international shipping and logistics company having offices in UAE, Afghanistan and Pakistan and international partners all over Middle East, Europe and United States. Services:freight forwarder City list: Kabul